Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Human lives go along with circumstances. It is not necessary to reject activity and seek quiet; just make yourself inwardly empty while outwardly harmonious. Then you will be at peace in the midst of frenetic activity in the world.
                                                       - Yuanwu Keqin (1063–1135) courtesy of

Many people come to therapy complaining about feeling empty.  They turn to addictive behaviors as a way of “filling the void” they feel inside. There is a belief that in order to manage the frenetic activity in the world one must be inwardly content and full. The idea of making yourself inwardly empty challenges this belief. To actively bring about a sense of emptiness is a fundamental task in meditation. The fears and concerns that accumulate daily generate a sense of discontent and unease. Rather than seek relief from the outside take the  time to shift your focus to breathing in and breathing out . This simple task allows the mind to release it’s hold on those thoughts  and experience the openness of a beginners mind. Emptiness becomes boundlessness and the discontent transforms into a sense of wonder and possibility. Your fears and concerns are given their due respect without interfering with the experience of being outwardly harmonious.

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