Sunday, August 23, 2020


Withdraw now from

the invisible pounding and weaving

of your ingrained ideas.

If you want to be rid of this

invisible turmoil, you must just sit

through it and let go of everything.

Attain fulfillment and illuminate thoroughly.

Light and shadow altogether forgotten.

Drop off your own skin,

and the sense-dusts will be fully purified.

The eye then readily discerns the brightness.

- Hongzhi Zhengjue (1091–1157) courtesy of


I have always struggled with the idea of “just sitting” . After spending five days in sesshin, where I sat facing a wall for most of the time I emerged with a deep appreciation for how difficult and challenging it is to just sit. The pandemic has shifted my practice from the office to the zoom room on my laptop. I sit at home and connect with others sitting in their homes. Together we work on the fears and frustrations of this imposed life of quarantine. We create a space for the pounding and weaving ideas that reflect this frightening and confusing new reality. Letting go is not about feeling happy instead of angry or afraid. Letting go is dropping off our conclusions and allowing new questions to emerge. The brightness that can be discerned will challenge our basic assumptions. Our co created space is an opportunity to discover new truths and to cultivate a confidence and wisdom in ourselves.


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