Sunday, August 31, 2014

Do not permit the events
Of your daily lives to bind you,
But never withdraw yourselves from them.
Only by acting thus can you earn the title of
A Liberated One.
                 -Huang Po courtesy of

I warn my clients about the consequences of using “but” to connect different feelings or experiences. “ I had a great day but my energy level was pretty low.” A significantly different way of expressing this perception is: “ I had a great day and my energy level was pretty low.”
The ability to experience all different aspects of ourselves with equal importance and concern is a fundament part of a mindful life. Then this poem comes along and encourages non attachment but stay connected.
This poem demands a deeper understanding of how the Awakened Way benefits everyone, not just myself. So many of my clients have found a great benefit from helping others. Interpersonal learning is a very powerful curative factor in group therapy. Being able to reflect on the experience of helping without attention to personal gain is to transcend any attachments and experience liberation.

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