Friday, January 30, 2015

I explain to you matters pertaining to enlightenment,
But don’t try to keep your mind on them.
Just turn to the ocean of your own essence
And develop practical accord with its nature.
- Yangshan courtesy of

Many of my clients have expressed frustration when I do not tell them what to do. They come to my office seeking help for the problems they are having in their lives. What is implied is their inability to take care of themselves. If I am just giving advice I run the risk of validating their belief that they are incompetent. Instead I sit with them and we turn together to the oceans of  our essence. We acknowledge and investigate the worries,fears, and conflicts with an open mind. That process has great potential for my clients  to develop a practical accord with the nature of their essence. I have no place in that work. I can only provide a space for them to experience the learning and wisdom of reflection and self acceptance.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Meaning to get away from intellectualization
And avoid word traps,
I sailed across the sea to search for the
Transmission beyond the teachings;
Went on pilgrimages till my sandals broke
And found water in the clear stream,
The moon in the sky.
 - Kakua (1143 - ?) courtesy of

Anna Freud considered intellectualization to be an important part of adolescent development. Stepping away from our feelings and into our thoughts can bring a sense of calm and order to an emotionally chaotic world. A situation that is particularly evident in adolescence. A defense mechanism protects but does not allow for learning. We create our own word traps to justify our reactions and build up our self esteem. Learning becomes a liability and evidence of incompetence.When we catch ourselves justifying our behavior we move from being defensive to being curious. The shift to curiosity is necessary for our pilgrimage to begin.
The search for transmissions beyond teachings is the acquisition of wisdom. Every day is a pilgrimage of sorts. We step through so many moments distracted by our thoughts and preoccupied by our desires. When we return to the present moment- with the simple act of the in breath-we shift into our pilgrimage. Even if it is for a brief moment, the act of returning allows the moon in the sky and the water in the clear stream to become our guides to enlightenment.

  After Missing the Recluse on the Western Mountain To your hermitage here on the top of the mountain I have climbed, without stopping, ...