Sunday, July 15, 2018

The universal body of reality
Is so subtle that
You do not hear it
When you deliberately
Listen for it,
And you do not see it
When you look at it.
As for the pure knowledge
That has no teacher,
How can it be attained by
Thought or study?
- Huanglong      courtesy of

What actually works in psychotherapy? What happens in those 45 or 50 minutes that generates change in a person?  As a new therapist I would carry this great worry and responsibility to fix the clients who came to my office. Over time I realized that when they would tell me they felt better my reaction was always one of amazement and honor to be a witness to their changes. There was never a sense of giving them something with an expectation that they would change in front of me or come back the next week different in some positive way. Change really is the product of new experiences in the subtle universal body of reality. Using my skills in listening closely and asking questions that encourage finding new perspectives helps my client to experience the pure knowledge of mindful reflection. The process of working through trauma, pain, and loss is a complex and challenging journey. I serve as a traveling companion who does not assume any knowledge of how the journey will unfold. I bring an unwavering belief in my client’s ability to discover something new about themselves so that they may have the experience of a positive change in their lives.

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