Monday, May 11, 2015

Today’s students of the Buddha-Dharma need to look for genuine insight. If you have genuine insight, birth and death will not affect you, and you will be free to come and go. Nor do you need to look for worthiness; it will arise of itself. Followers of the Way, do not let yourselves be deluded by anyone; this is all I teach. If you want to make use of genuine insight, then use it right now without delay or doubt. Students nowadays do not succeed because they suffer from lack of self reliance. Because of this lack, you run busily hither and thither, are driven by circumstance, and kept whirling by the ten thousand things.
-Rinzai ( d.866) courtesy of

How do we know our insight is genuine insight? We have all had the experience of believing we have it figured out only to have someone come along and shake all that up. I like the idea that I have a known self and an unknown self ; and there is a self others know about me and a self that is unknown to others. The combination of these four concepts creates some interesting thoughts. What I know about myself and what is known to others is my public self. What is unknown to others is my private self. What others know about me that is unknown to myself is the source of interpersonal learning. Finally that which is unknown to myself and others is my potential. I think genuine insight, worthiness, and self reliance can be found in the meaning behind all the different combinations. We will never know it all; being with others will always give us the opportunity  for learning. When we can step into genuine relationships with compassion and loving kindness we cultivate our worthiness and self reliance. Genuine insight is in each moment of full and authentic presence with others.

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