Monday, September 28, 2020

 In these remote and secluded depths

of quiet mystery,

silence boundless, 

distances empty,

you see endeavor denies

our nature

and appearance the inner pattern.

When eyes and ears can tell us

nothing of such things,

how could anyone follow

the path with mere footsteps?

- Hsieh Ling-yun (385-433) 

Intuition is an elusive concept in therapy. To have a funny feeling about something is a profound and meaningful experience without the benefit of a clear understanding of cause and effect. To be distraught over the tragic loss of someone close is a clear and traumatic part of our ourselves. To feel unsettled about a situation or a relationship is to be subject to uncertainty and self doubt. We try to avoid conducting an investigation; to find some proof for this elusive experience. In therapy we honor the quiet mystery of intuition and allow the thoughts and feelings to guide us to a new understanding. Intuition is a gateway to change. By transcending mere footsteps we become open to the experience of insight that can only be realized by sitting with the mysterious and elusive intuitions. It becomes the teacher within and provides a new space for our perceptions and feelings.

  After Missing the Recluse on the Western Mountain To your hermitage here on the top of the mountain I have climbed, without stopping, ...