Sunday, March 25, 2018

The truly still mind, with which you were born, is the mind that moves freely. Without ignoring anything, it reacts wholeheartedly to everything it encounters, to everything on which it reflects. And yet, for all that, it is the mind that is never seized by anything, but is always ready to react on the spot to whatever it encounters next. The mind that is still is the mind that never forfeits its freedom and is able to constantly keep rolling and rolling and rolling.
- Soko Marinaga Roshi (1925-1995)

Seeking help from a psychotherapist is a very important decision. The desire to resolve conflicts and improve self awareness are noble endeavors. The biggest challenge is discovering the inner peace and love that already exists within each of us. In the beginning we have an assumption that the therapist has something; answers to questions; teachings about coping skills; and wisdom to give us for a better life. This presumes that we do not have the answers, skills, or wisdom.  In therapy we enter into a conversation that stills the mind and allows it to move freely. By never being seized by anything and being open to all possibilities, the connections between our suffering and our wisdom are available to deepen our understanding of ourselves and our relationships with others.

  After Missing the Recluse on the Western Mountain To your hermitage here on the top of the mountain I have climbed, without stopping, ...