Sunday, September 4, 2016

The perfect way’s like boundless space
Nothing lacking, nothing extra
It is because of choice
That its absolute truth is lost.
Don’t pursue externals;
Don’t dally in the interior void.
When the spirit remains serene
In the unity of things
Dualism vanishes by itself...
- Sent-ts’an (d. 606)
There is boundless space in the therapy session. I am listening with evenly hovering attention; my client is expressing the pain and fear that is interfering with daily living. By staying present in that moment I endeavor to join my client with nothing lacking and nothing extra. We transcend dualism and create a therapeutic relationship. You and I become We and the boundless space becomes potential space for change to occur. The awareness of choices maintains absolute truth as we create new ways of dealing with the pain and fear.

  After Missing the Recluse on the Western Mountain To your hermitage here on the top of the mountain I have climbed, without stopping, ...